Tuesday, April 22, 2008


If betul nak berbangsa malaysia then takyah ada sekolah "jenis" kebangsaan! Maintain pendidikan dlm Bahasa Melayu/M'sia utk menguatkan keperibadian negara & juga Bahasa Inggeris utk persediaan utk menempuh era globalisasi. Kalau susah nak ubah, then jadikan bahasa Cina part of our sylabus. So takdelah bangsa melayu terlopong bila kaum cina dok kelentong kat kita sg wang. Even anak2 buah saya skrg semuanya dihantar ke sekolah cina dari tadika lagi. Saya pun kalau tidak dah bersekolah kat Lai Meng dah....tapi application rejected...maka tercampaklah saya ke St John's Inst. Buat apa ada sekolah jenis cina atau jenis tamil? kenapa ada jenis "international"? Kenapa sekolah kebangsaan malaysia tidak boleh bertaraf internasional? kenapa tak disatukan?

bah aku pun dok pesan slalu. Kalau nak niaga ikutlah style org cina. Senario camni: If ko ada kedai makan, nak tarik lebih ramai pelanggan dari 'competition' ko kat sbelah tu, ko cakap kat pelanggan ko: "kedai makan sana tu sedap, tapi sini lagi sedap!" Jgn ikut style melayu, cakap camni: "kedai makan sana tu cam hampeh, tak sedap langsung, jgn bazir, makan kat sini gerenti sedap".

The malays have to stop blaming each, step on each other's head or bashing the govt regarding monetary issues. Umno helped & gave lotsa windows of opportunities to the malays, be it in the business & development sectors or even the education sectors. Malays have to start asking themselves..."why do we have all this privileges"? And with all this privileges..."why are we still poor"? And typically... when all this fails...the fingers points to UMNO. Why? B'coz Umno is supposed to be the leading party, or so-called hero for the malays. But nowadays, in the eyes of the public, its those people with power or holding a high post in the govt are seen to be the most successfull? How successfull? By looking at their monetary assets. Their houses, their cars, their clothes, their lifestyle... their jets? Why the public asked? Why is it so drastically different in terms of class between the Rakyat & their leaders?

BUT WAIT!!!! before u ponder any further... think... why are the malays making such a big hoo-haa out of this? If chinese or especially the indians, then I would understand, as they have been deprived from the benefits that the malays have. And yet despite their quiet disgruntles & ramblings, they marched on! They worked even harder...hence...most of the successfull or "rich" people in Malaysia is "chinese". Look, even the most richest man in M'sia is not a malay. Ananda Krishan...& considered in forbes to be the 3rd most richest person in south east asia!

Another thing about the chinese is their strong support system. I would rate their business networking to be the best in the world. Secara kasarlah... ada tak ahlong bangsa lain? Dulu ada lah ceti...sekarang? Melayu jgn lupa...bukan bangsa kamu je yg miskin... ramai lagi bangsa cina & india khususnya yg papa-kedana. The govt has to set their priority right & Umno has to stop being too bias on helping the malays only... although we know UMNO is now in coalition with MCA & MIC which is also known as BARISAN NASIONAL. (national front) . Therefore it is not just UMNO's struggle, it is also the struggle of MIC for the indians & MCA for the chinese. UNITE... work with the rakyat & work for the rakyat.... insya-Allah (god-willingly)... the rakyat will support your back!

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