Monday, May 19, 2008

Too much drama!!! Why oh why?!?!

I'm a big fan of TDM & it is sad to see him go. What saddened me the most is his 'timing'. Why now??? This would only jeopardize rakyat's perception of UMNO. Now Pak Lah is actually doing something for the ppl. At last he has woken from his slumber. Pak Lah realised that he has to be more vigorous & assertive. TDM ni pun satu, udah-udah la tu dok kritik Pak Lah. I wish he could be more of a problem solver rather then problem 'highlighter'. Iye mmg... byk yg TDM mempersoalkan pentadbiran Pak Lah & Co... tapi apa kata TDM bagi "solution". If dia nak bersuara... jgn sekadar bersuara kerana tak puas hati... bersuara la kerana nak perjuangkan hak2 rakyat, bangsa & agama. Mmg itu adalah perjuangan TDM sblm ini. TDM berpesan... "perjuangan kita belum selesai". So takkan TDM nak "give up" skrg? Mana dia semangat berkobar TDM? Takkan kerana tak puas hati dgn pentadbiran Pak Lah, sanggup tinggalkan UMNO. Takkan dia tak tau UMNO skrg tgh kucar kacir... & berpuak2. He will not improve things by leaving. It will only make things worst. I bet he knows what kinda "chain-reaction" or "ripple effect" of his action will affect us fellow Umno reformist.
I know, he said that he will join back UMNO once PAK LAH resigns. And i really hope he has his own plans. We know now at least... that Mukhriz is willing to stay on. Therefore it might be... I say again... it "might" be a good strategy to reform Umno from within & also without. Its a "pincer" movement. I would call it "blitzkrieg" but less dramatic lah.

What I'm afraid is... by the time he returns to Umno, it might be already to late to save Umno from crumbling. Toloooong.... kepada yg ingin mengikut jejak langkah TDM, fikirlah betul2. Perjuangan & hak bangsa & negara ni utk siapa? Utk "ketua" kita ke? Utk parti ke? Utk MP ke? BUKANN!!!!! Perjuangan kita adalah utk hak kita sebagai rakyat m'sia & bangsa kita, agama kita & to improve our way of life.. Bukan kita yg patut bersedih kerana ketua tinggalkan kita.... ketua kita patut bersedih kerana rakyat tinggalkan mereka. Terlampau byk sgt drama swasta dlm politik m'sia skrg ni. Let's not be swayed or effected by all this. Lets stay true & strong. Ini semua cubaan & dugaan utk kita belajar bersabar & bersatu. Insya-Allah if we survive this, therefore we can make it work again! Jatuh boleh bangun. Ingat... it is us that matters... & NOT THEM!!!

As for now... we hold... hold... & hold... until the right moment to pounce! we wait for awhile... for reaction of others especially the big guns. Some of us might wait for TDM's strategy.... & wait for mukhriz's as well. Its a 2 pronged attack.... in my opinion... in order to make it work... is to do it strategically & not emotionally. Let's stay afloat rather then swaying.... kita sabar k?

I'm still a big fan of TDM & I'm also a strong supporter of Umno... therefore we should decide wisely... if we cant find answers now... then time will tell my friends... time will tell....

Pak Lah ni pun satu... its about time la he stepped down. His arrogant reaction to TDM's decision is appalling. And whatever he does it's far too slow & too late for comfort.

I can imagine hang tuah dok panggil jebat suruh turun in "pendekar bujang lapok"...hehehe... "hei heii heeeiiiiiii jebat.... kenapa kao tak mau turun?? kalau kao tak mau turun...aku akan naik..." (quoted by sudin)

Jom pakat heret dia turun.... not physically but mentally lah.

Below is a link to some of the rakyat's comments on his decision to leave UMNO:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Karpal Singh – the manipulative genius from Pakatan Rakyat

Ibrahim Ali is definitely cornered like a rat. It all started by him asking Karpal Singh to stand up if he wants to ask questions in the parliament, which is the rule of the parliament. To his surprise (& even mine), he didn’t realize that Karpal Singh is wheelchair-bound. Honestly, he should’ve done his homework. Knowing Karpal Singh, an opportunist as well as a manipulative genius sees this as an open goal. He’s a lawyer for goodness sakes, it’s his trade. He doesn’t need to answer or reply to Ibrahim Ali, instead he’d rather call him a “katak” & Bung Mokhtar a “Bigfoot”.

Anyway… the Bukit Gelugor MP played his strategy & put all his chess pieces onto the gameboard. Hence, came the 2nd day of the parliamentary hearing. ‘Checkmate’ Ibrahim Ali! Out of nowhere, the members of Malaysian Against the Discrimination of the Disabled (MADD) ‘ambushed’ the Pasir Mas MP. They wanted him to apologize for his ‘insensitve’ statement towards the OKUs. But hey… did he really attacked the OKU or directly to Karpal Singh? Waitaminute…. I’ve never heard of the MADD before. And to my knowledge M’sia has always respected, loved & cared for OKUs. Since when do we need to have an organization like MADD? Here…once again the DAP chairman tries to manipulate the public on having sympathy votes towards him & indirectly his party. Ko nak publisiti murah ke Karpal oiiiii?

The parliament is not your playground lah Karpal…. Its for the MPs to do their job by being the eyes, mouth & ears of the rakyat. We don’t give a damn if Ibrahim Ali doesn’t want to apologize. Please stop your manipulation & abuse of charity for your political gain!!! And to Ibrahim Ali…. Awat ego sangatttt???? Cakap je…“sorry la beb…wa tak perasan lu ni OKU…kalau wa tau dah tentu la wa tak suruh lu bangun”. Habis cerita??? I bet the public or his supporters would be understanding enough? If they are not, then they are as insensitive as you are & don’t deserve to be seen, heard or listened in the parliament.

Well… he did apologize to the OKUs & members of MADD and that should be enough for MADD when they came in to the parliament to address their memorandum BUT…. That wasn’t enough? The MADD wants him to apologize to Karpal??? Why? What’s in it for them? Is Karpal also the chairman of MADD? It’s Ibrahim’s prerogative whether he wants to apologize or not… he doesn’t need others to tell him that. Honestly…. I have doubts towards this new MADD. I know, I know…. By having doubts on them will make me sound insensitive towards the OKUs as well. Ibrahim Ali said MADD may have been made use of by Pakatan Rakyat MPs who wanted to politicise the matter… honestly, I agree with him. Even if Anthony Thanayasan (the speaker for MADD) said “The disabled had dignity and could not be bought and any one of the MPs can become disabled one day. So, be sensitive to our condition and please show us some respect."

I’m sorry? To me the OKUs are still human beings & they have the same heart & minds as us (as in not OKU lah) despite the physical disadvantage. How sure are we that their hearts are purer then others? Does it mean they never incurred any sins or crime before? Be it Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Covetousness, Lust, Anger & Greed? I have always respected them & I have a number of OKUS in my family tree. I have always treated them as equals. Come to think of it, one of the most highly-intellectual homo-sapien is actually wheelchair-bound...taraaaaaa..... "Stephen Hawkings". Therefore never underestimate em'.

If MADD is really as pure-hearted as what they say about themselves then WHERE WERE THEY during the 14th MALAYSIA PARALYMPIC GAMES? And to those who thinks what Bung Mukhtar & Ibrahim did was so insensitive then where were you people? Do you know the games actually existed or its’ wherabouts & it’s date? Do you all know that our country broke a total of 98 local & international records? Do you know that some of the athletes will be competing in the upcoming Olympics? Do you know Sarawak won the highest medal tally of 227 in total? Do you know that Selangor won the GPN trophy for the highest athlete entry? Do you know that Mohd Zamry Sapiee & Catherine Thimbang siang won the sportsman & sportswoman award? I’m ashamed of all of you! (Including myself for not highlighting about the games before).

Last but not least… please oh please… jgn cemarkan kemuliaan & niat murni insan dengan dunia politik.

So to Karpal Singh & the Pakatan Rakyat… I salute you………. with my middle-finger!!! (no wait…make it a double!!!)

p/s: Let China have their Olympics! We should be proud as it is the first on an Asian soil. Lets’ not tarnish it with politics (free Tibet – human rights movement). Olympics itself is for the good of humanity! It’s where the whole world connects through the beauty of sports!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Raja Petra buat hal lagi....ish ish ishhhh

As much as I supported freedom of speech. I still feel that this kind of freedom requires a sense of responsibility. Without responsibility, it may lead to anarchy. RPK is famous for being bold & vocal. Not many people has the balls that he has...but lately it has become a trend to be ballsy in blogs & internet.

He has now become an icon & idol among the new waves of bloggers, internet savvy peeps, idealistic youths & govt reformist. I must say i enjoy what I read from RPK & I'm one of those that falls in the govt reformist category. Nevertheless, I felt that RPK's views on the Altantuya case is inflammatory. His comments in my opinion requires proper explanation & channeling. It's too much of a brain-fart rather then an in-depth blurb to me.

It amazes me how his blogger fans, supporters & so-called nettizens could contribute rm35,000 in just 2 days. Ironically, wouldn't it be good if these ppl could collect those money for goodwill? Yes he did say that he only need rm5k & the rest would be donated to charity. It's pretty noble of him but it kinda saddens me to know nettizens responded real fast to come to their hero's aid. RPK is a well-off dude... rm5k is nothin. If only the nettizens could also do the same for charity, rumah anak2 yatim. I bet if they can collect rm35k in just 2 days... it wont be impossible to get rm2million in a month. Wouldn't that be great if that money goes to the needy? The S'ngor state govt manage to get rm1million in 2 days for myanmar cyclone victim. Why dont they get RPK's nettizen to contribute? We could even get rm10 million at least within a month.

Anyway, let him settle his issues. Since its' his freedom, let him be responsible for his action. Let him fight for his rights & those he inflicted fight for theirs. Insya-Allah, everything will transpire in a manner which it should be done. I don't see a reason why or what effect will there be by us being there at the court. Maybe to those who are not working or working in shifts might be able to but it is something unworthy to me.

Nevertheless, I'm wishing RPK all the best on handling the issue. Lantak ko lah.. ko nak kebulurkan diri dalam penjara tu raja oiiiii.... memang niat freedom of speech tu ada... but u're an idol... so.. tunjukkanlah contoh & teladan yg baik at least. Jgn ikut baran hati je...mulut tu kena beli insurance.... ni camne? dah dok dlm lokap...wifi sure takde? no problem kot... sure ramai machai2 ko boleh continue your legacy in malaysia today.

Last but not least.... VICTORIANS sucks!!! Long live the JOHANNIANS!!! Budak lembu jgn memandai nak buat fitnah ke si-helang!!

p/s: RPK is an ex Victorian Inst student whereas Najib is an ex St.John's Inst student....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ketuanan Melayu from my point of view. (dimanakah bangsaku - part 1)

What is Ketuanan Melayu? The word “Supremacy” is a Big word indeed. It gives different impressions & different interpretations from different people. Nowadays, people see the term as power-hungry, one-sided or an unjustified ultimatum. To some it’s a matter of survival & pride of the race, to few it’s a matter of justice & honour.

Ketuanan Melayu doesn’t mean the malays are superior among the other races. It doesn’t mean the malays are legible get whatever, whenever, wherever they want or do. In actual fact it is meant for the malays to stay united, to be proud of their race & could stand tall among the other race of the world. It is to remind the malays of their roots, culture, traditions, ethics, arts & history. It is by far meant to belittle or incurs fear on other races or ethnicities.

Ketuanan Melayu means that Malaysia is ruled through a federal constitutional elective monarchy, which means, the country is headed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. The king who is selected for 5 year terms from among the 9 Malay sultanates. Ketuanan Melayu adalah kedaulatan kesultanan melayu.

Ketuanan Melayu also means that Bahasa Melayu is the official language of the country. Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi Negara.

Another part of Ketuanan Melayu is the influence of the malay tradition & culture in the governance of the country, such as the costume worn for a speaker to a state assembly in the parliament, regardless of the speaker’s race or ethnicity.

Ketuanan Melayu is part of the social contract of Malaysia. It is now being brought back to light, which is now used as a vehicle the opposition rides on to garner the support of the public. The new “Ketuanan Rakyat” which is proposed by PR is riding high with unwavering support of the rakyat. In a nutshell… which one sounds better? The Malay Supremacy or The People Supremacy? It’s no rocket science to the answer, as the latest results of the election shows the power, the voice & the confidence of the people.

Previously, DAP was the main party that is against the Social Contract of Ketuanan Melayu. As we all know the NEP (national economic policy) & later the NDP (national development policy) was born from this social contract. In layman’s term, the creation of these policies were meant to make the malays in par with the other races in it’s economical stand. Some say it was a success but now most people say it’s a huge failure. Despite the results of the declining poverty rate through the years:

Wealth in the hands of the bumiputras went from 4% in 1970 to about 20% in 1997. The overall wealth of the country as a whole also grew; per capita GNP went from RM1,142 in 1970 to RM12,102 in 1997. During the same period, absolute poverty in the population as a whole dropped from 50% to 6.8%.

The people today felt that it is still lopsided, uneven & unfair. The rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer, the ones with power remains powerful, untouched & wealthy! Why is this so? To be continued on my next blog post… (dah ngantuk dah niiii…. Shit… its 4am??? Nak keje esok niiii….aiyoyo)

Here’s a prelude to my next blog post:
“But who are we kidding here? Ask any malays, which one comes first, your bangsa (race) or your agama (religion)? I would dare say 80-90% of the answers will be Islam first. Why? This is the global effect which is affecting M’sia now. The sudden attacks & discrimination towards the world of islam brings out the “jihad” in all of the muslims of the world. In this new era, the term “biar mati anak, jgn mati adat” is irrelevant anymore...” (jeng jeng jeng…… to be continued)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mengapa TDM mengkritik Pak Lah

I'm a tourist in my own country (prelude to "dimanakah bangsaku")

To those who works, lives or study in the Klang Valley, would've realised about the service industry here. I remembered early this year or was it late last year... while i was navigating thru the Pavilion (new shopping mall in Bkt Bintang area) for the very first time. Being an ardent fan of burgers... I was hunting for Carl's JR. Heard from a friend it's here in Pavilion. Used to travel all the way from Tmn Maluri to One Utama just for a SuperStar double cheeseburger. Back to the story... I saw this security guard & asked him for the information counter. He pointed the way... without uttering a word. So, I assume he understand. So...I followed his directions... & realised I was at a dead end. Haram jadah..... so... I turned back & asked the guard again in BM this time. "itu information counter ada dimana?" He seems dumbfounded. And i realised he's not local. So, I asked in english again..."Where's the information counter?" He said... "u go straight there & go up" I asked "which floor"? He just say "up" twice.... meaning 2 floors up??? I asked where is he from, coz he looks local to me, like a malay but he answered... NEPAL. Fine.... off i go on my hunt for CJr..... When I reached the 2nd floor... the place are filled with hoardings... bloody hell.... where am i? Saw another guard... he looks local too... so i asked in malay.... his reaction shows he aint local. He said he's unsure.... so i asked him directly... whether does he knows a fast food burger restaurant here? He said yes!!! woohoooo!!! He said go down again... & walked towards the entrace... in broken english. So.. off i go.... BUT!!! when i reached the destination... theres a huge poster on the hoarding that says... Opening Soon! Bloody helll..... All that headless chicken mode for nothin. Why cant we have local security guards that could speak our BAHASA IBUNDA??? At least english? I felt as if I'm a tourist in my own country.

Had a similar incident at Santini's Suria KLCC. Called on the waiter to take my orders. I spoke in BM as the guy looks like a malay... biasalah kan... i expect people in service line must know BM & English at least! He just smiled when I asked for recommendations. Dlm hati aku.... apahal mamat ni senyum cam kerang busuk? Paham ke tak? So i spoke in english... baru lahhhh dia paham.....oooooohh a Filipino rupanya! Here's another incident... how people.. the employers, disregard the importance of having people to speak in BM in their establishment. Why? Is it because Bahasa Melayu is a class below? Is it too expensive to employ local people? Are the quality of service from our locals are poor? Why is KFC filled with Banglas? Why are most of the security guards are gurkhas? Why are the petrol attendants mostly nepalese? To the most astonishing of all.... why Petaling Street sellers are not local??? Nak tawar-menawar pun susah. It's suppose to be tourist attraction.... malu lahhhh.

When I send my car for service at Perodua...filled with banglas...kenapa? rakyat m'sia tak suka tangan comot lagi dah ke? Jatuh ke maruah diri jadi mekanik? Bila ke hotel... penuh dgn pekerja filipino... kenapa? katanya rakyat m'sia penuh dgn budi bahasa? kenapa tak buktikan di sini? pergi ke kedai mamak pun skrg dah payah.... nak cakap BM pun terpaksa jadi bahasa pasar/rojak... baru pekerja2 situ paham...sbb semuanya pekerja dari India! Ramai yg tertipu sbb ingatkan mereka local indians. Apa niiiiii??? Is this a taste of globalization???

Dimanakah bangsaku berada? Ke manakah mereka? Adakah bangsaku berada di "atas" sana? Adakah semua bangsaku memiliki post "directors, managers, CEOs..dll"? Adakah bangsaku merasa jijik, geli ataupun malu utk "Turun ke Padang"?

....(to be continued)