Monday, April 21, 2008

Lesbianism from a muslim point of view


Ini komen saya kepada umat Islam & melayu khususnya. Based from a blog of NOTARAZI:

She is considered a murtad la wahai razi oiiiii...... Culture difference has changed her. Pendirian dia, iman dia tak kuat. DAn paling obvious pengajaran dia tentang Islam amat lemah skali. I dont understand the point of you posting this link over here? Islam is more then a religion. Its a way of life! It seems to me, that the lesbo only uses Islam the way she wants it to be. Instead of fitting in Islam way of life.... she focussed on fitting Islam in her way of life.... END OF STORY... Period!!! Nak ponder apa lagi? Tlg jgn kecamukkan lagi minda muslimin-muslimat.

Satu lagi....islam diturunkan ke bumi utk menjadikan sebagai undang2. Tamadun ROME & GREECE ketengahkan freedom of sexuality, Gay-orgies dll lagi. Itu adalah zaman Jahilliyah!!! Islam pun diturunkan utk mengelakkan tamadun itu berleluasa. So kepada siapa yg melanggar seruan & undang2 yg ALLAH turunkan kepadanya....maka BERDOSA lah mereka!

She wrote "Does being a dog-loving lesbian make me any less of a Muslim"?

Soalan ni patutnye dijawap dgn penampor je. Kepada Razi..... may i know what's your point of highlighting this here? Are you yourself an atheist or a free thinker? Ingat.... FREEDOM comes with a price... FREEDOM COMES WITH RESPONSIBILITY!!! Without it, then it's already a from of ANARCHY!!!!

One last thing. For those in doubts. I have included here a couple of links for your enlightenment:

even in the bible:

Here's a quote from one of the site:

"They (gays and lesbians) both go against the natural disposition (fitrah) which Allaah has created in mankind – and also in animals – whereby the male is inclined towards the female, and vice versa. Whoever goes against that goes against the natural disposition of mankind, the fitrah.

The spread of homosexuality has caused man diseases which neither the east nor the west can deny exist because of them. Even if the only result of this perversion was AIDS – which attacks the immune system in humans – that would be enough".


admin said...


thank you for giving a comment.

i am afraid that you have failed to differentiate between a post and a quotation. and it looks like you have failed to comprehend the first paragraph.

please read again and kindly reflect your muslim and intellectual thinking in your writing.

be careful to ask if i am a free thinker. a doubt on another muslim's faith may lead a person to commit a great sin.

i pardon you for your misunderstanding.

kindly read again the blog before you provide a justification; the blog is not associated at all with any irreligious propaganda.

thank you.

may ALLAH protects us from false understanding.


Zacharias said...

Mr Owner, I can see that you always become very emotional, and that really puts your ideas in the drain. Not many will appreciate your opinion.

1) What is the biggest sin one can commit? Syirik (menyekutukan Allah).

2) Ok, what about homosexuality? It is greatly forbidden, but is it very big that makes one become murtad? Allahua'lam. From what I know, if one confess to be a muslim, he/she is still a muslim, and will be buried at the muslim burial ground.

Let's not confused ourselves between islam and muslim, since there are so many good muslims/bad muslims out there..

Mj said...

The spread of homosexuality has caused man diseases which neither the east nor the west can deny exist because of them. Even if the only result of this perversion was AIDS – which attacks the immune system in humans – that would be enough

you seriously quoting this? meaning yr belief lies along the same line? or yr just quoting someonelse to provoke a thought? or you want us to believe this is also what you believe? Enlighten me.

I'm quite amazed to discover ppl still think in such mindset. I honestly thought living in the city gives you the opportunity to open yr mind to endless possibilities -

not judge.