Monday, September 29, 2008

Melayu perlu belajar berbahasa cina!!!

I've always complained saying that if really the rakyat votes for Malaysian Malaysia then we should strt by lookin into the education system. Kenapa masih ada sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina & tamil? Kenapa perlu bahagikan kepada bangsa? Mengapa tak SATUkan semua bangsa? Although there is sekolah kebangsaan there are still lotsa ppl send their children to these RACE SPECIFIC school.

Saya ada 3 anak sedara & ketiga2nya dihantar ke sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina. I'll make sure once i've my own kids, I'll do the same. Siang hantar skolah cina supaya tidak ketinggalan or melopong bila kene kelentong. In better words, to learn their ways & expertise in the world of economics, which we cant deny. Petang pulak hantar la ke sekolah Agama...supaya Mereka tak alpa & sedar akan agama mereka.

Now, I feel we should make "chinese language" a compulsory subject in our education system! Barulah MELAYU boleh compete not just in Malaysia... & also the world. Jgn lupa 60-70% of world population are chinese