Monday, May 19, 2008

Too much drama!!! Why oh why?!?!

I'm a big fan of TDM & it is sad to see him go. What saddened me the most is his 'timing'. Why now??? This would only jeopardize rakyat's perception of UMNO. Now Pak Lah is actually doing something for the ppl. At last he has woken from his slumber. Pak Lah realised that he has to be more vigorous & assertive. TDM ni pun satu, udah-udah la tu dok kritik Pak Lah. I wish he could be more of a problem solver rather then problem 'highlighter'. Iye mmg... byk yg TDM mempersoalkan pentadbiran Pak Lah & Co... tapi apa kata TDM bagi "solution". If dia nak bersuara... jgn sekadar bersuara kerana tak puas hati... bersuara la kerana nak perjuangkan hak2 rakyat, bangsa & agama. Mmg itu adalah perjuangan TDM sblm ini. TDM berpesan... "perjuangan kita belum selesai". So takkan TDM nak "give up" skrg? Mana dia semangat berkobar TDM? Takkan kerana tak puas hati dgn pentadbiran Pak Lah, sanggup tinggalkan UMNO. Takkan dia tak tau UMNO skrg tgh kucar kacir... & berpuak2. He will not improve things by leaving. It will only make things worst. I bet he knows what kinda "chain-reaction" or "ripple effect" of his action will affect us fellow Umno reformist.
I know, he said that he will join back UMNO once PAK LAH resigns. And i really hope he has his own plans. We know now at least... that Mukhriz is willing to stay on. Therefore it might be... I say again... it "might" be a good strategy to reform Umno from within & also without. Its a "pincer" movement. I would call it "blitzkrieg" but less dramatic lah.

What I'm afraid is... by the time he returns to Umno, it might be already to late to save Umno from crumbling. Toloooong.... kepada yg ingin mengikut jejak langkah TDM, fikirlah betul2. Perjuangan & hak bangsa & negara ni utk siapa? Utk "ketua" kita ke? Utk parti ke? Utk MP ke? BUKANN!!!!! Perjuangan kita adalah utk hak kita sebagai rakyat m'sia & bangsa kita, agama kita & to improve our way of life.. Bukan kita yg patut bersedih kerana ketua tinggalkan kita.... ketua kita patut bersedih kerana rakyat tinggalkan mereka. Terlampau byk sgt drama swasta dlm politik m'sia skrg ni. Let's not be swayed or effected by all this. Lets stay true & strong. Ini semua cubaan & dugaan utk kita belajar bersabar & bersatu. Insya-Allah if we survive this, therefore we can make it work again! Jatuh boleh bangun. Ingat... it is us that matters... & NOT THEM!!!

As for now... we hold... hold... & hold... until the right moment to pounce! we wait for awhile... for reaction of others especially the big guns. Some of us might wait for TDM's strategy.... & wait for mukhriz's as well. Its a 2 pronged attack.... in my opinion... in order to make it work... is to do it strategically & not emotionally. Let's stay afloat rather then swaying.... kita sabar k?

I'm still a big fan of TDM & I'm also a strong supporter of Umno... therefore we should decide wisely... if we cant find answers now... then time will tell my friends... time will tell....

Pak Lah ni pun satu... its about time la he stepped down. His arrogant reaction to TDM's decision is appalling. And whatever he does it's far too slow & too late for comfort.

I can imagine hang tuah dok panggil jebat suruh turun in "pendekar bujang lapok"...hehehe... "hei heii heeeiiiiiii jebat.... kenapa kao tak mau turun?? kalau kao tak mau turun...aku akan naik..." (quoted by sudin)

Jom pakat heret dia turun.... not physically but mentally lah.

Below is a link to some of the rakyat's comments on his decision to leave UMNO: