Saturday, May 10, 2008

Karpal Singh – the manipulative genius from Pakatan Rakyat

Ibrahim Ali is definitely cornered like a rat. It all started by him asking Karpal Singh to stand up if he wants to ask questions in the parliament, which is the rule of the parliament. To his surprise (& even mine), he didn’t realize that Karpal Singh is wheelchair-bound. Honestly, he should’ve done his homework. Knowing Karpal Singh, an opportunist as well as a manipulative genius sees this as an open goal. He’s a lawyer for goodness sakes, it’s his trade. He doesn’t need to answer or reply to Ibrahim Ali, instead he’d rather call him a “katak” & Bung Mokhtar a “Bigfoot”.

Anyway… the Bukit Gelugor MP played his strategy & put all his chess pieces onto the gameboard. Hence, came the 2nd day of the parliamentary hearing. ‘Checkmate’ Ibrahim Ali! Out of nowhere, the members of Malaysian Against the Discrimination of the Disabled (MADD) ‘ambushed’ the Pasir Mas MP. They wanted him to apologize for his ‘insensitve’ statement towards the OKUs. But hey… did he really attacked the OKU or directly to Karpal Singh? Waitaminute…. I’ve never heard of the MADD before. And to my knowledge M’sia has always respected, loved & cared for OKUs. Since when do we need to have an organization like MADD? Here…once again the DAP chairman tries to manipulate the public on having sympathy votes towards him & indirectly his party. Ko nak publisiti murah ke Karpal oiiiii?

The parliament is not your playground lah Karpal…. Its for the MPs to do their job by being the eyes, mouth & ears of the rakyat. We don’t give a damn if Ibrahim Ali doesn’t want to apologize. Please stop your manipulation & abuse of charity for your political gain!!! And to Ibrahim Ali…. Awat ego sangatttt???? Cakap je…“sorry la beb…wa tak perasan lu ni OKU…kalau wa tau dah tentu la wa tak suruh lu bangun”. Habis cerita??? I bet the public or his supporters would be understanding enough? If they are not, then they are as insensitive as you are & don’t deserve to be seen, heard or listened in the parliament.

Well… he did apologize to the OKUs & members of MADD and that should be enough for MADD when they came in to the parliament to address their memorandum BUT…. That wasn’t enough? The MADD wants him to apologize to Karpal??? Why? What’s in it for them? Is Karpal also the chairman of MADD? It’s Ibrahim’s prerogative whether he wants to apologize or not… he doesn’t need others to tell him that. Honestly…. I have doubts towards this new MADD. I know, I know…. By having doubts on them will make me sound insensitive towards the OKUs as well. Ibrahim Ali said MADD may have been made use of by Pakatan Rakyat MPs who wanted to politicise the matter… honestly, I agree with him. Even if Anthony Thanayasan (the speaker for MADD) said “The disabled had dignity and could not be bought and any one of the MPs can become disabled one day. So, be sensitive to our condition and please show us some respect."

I’m sorry? To me the OKUs are still human beings & they have the same heart & minds as us (as in not OKU lah) despite the physical disadvantage. How sure are we that their hearts are purer then others? Does it mean they never incurred any sins or crime before? Be it Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Covetousness, Lust, Anger & Greed? I have always respected them & I have a number of OKUS in my family tree. I have always treated them as equals. Come to think of it, one of the most highly-intellectual homo-sapien is actually wheelchair-bound...taraaaaaa..... "Stephen Hawkings". Therefore never underestimate em'.

If MADD is really as pure-hearted as what they say about themselves then WHERE WERE THEY during the 14th MALAYSIA PARALYMPIC GAMES? And to those who thinks what Bung Mukhtar & Ibrahim did was so insensitive then where were you people? Do you know the games actually existed or its’ wherabouts & it’s date? Do you all know that our country broke a total of 98 local & international records? Do you know that some of the athletes will be competing in the upcoming Olympics? Do you know Sarawak won the highest medal tally of 227 in total? Do you know that Selangor won the GPN trophy for the highest athlete entry? Do you know that Mohd Zamry Sapiee & Catherine Thimbang siang won the sportsman & sportswoman award? I’m ashamed of all of you! (Including myself for not highlighting about the games before).

Last but not least… please oh please… jgn cemarkan kemuliaan & niat murni insan dengan dunia politik.

So to Karpal Singh & the Pakatan Rakyat… I salute you………. with my middle-finger!!! (no wait…make it a double!!!)

p/s: Let China have their Olympics! We should be proud as it is the first on an Asian soil. Lets’ not tarnish it with politics (free Tibet – human rights movement). Olympics itself is for the good of humanity! It’s where the whole world connects through the beauty of sports!!!

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