Sunday, April 14, 2013

My rantings on the The future of Malaysia with a friend in FB

Friend's status on FB:

Video n gambaq terang2 tunjuk "Pemimpin" PR buat bnda x elok yg tu depa xmau percaya. Bnda yg xda bukti such as kes Altantuya yg tu depa prcaya kata DS Najib yg terlibat. Pdhl bukti xda. Nampak tak kebebalan dan kesengalan caicai PR di situ. Tolongla bukak mata n jgn la taksub sgt wahai cai sekalian

hatred & hypocrisy rules the world today bro... it's an ironic world we live in..... takpe... the real battle is not this GE13 but the battle after GE13.... If BN wins there will be more chaos & saying how the EC is bribed or cheated by BN & the undi antu song will berkumandang again.... macam biasa.... last GE pun dah tadbir 5 negara... still tak puas cakap tipu....

tapi kalau PR menang.... u will see the instigation & mengapi2 kemenangan mereka & depa akan test kesabaran kita kaw2.... 

but but but.... the real battle is between DAP & PAS nanti when they win & anwar will be having the toughest time of his life to be the "piss-keeper" (punt intended) & that is where the real chaos & anarchy will be in malaysia. 

if a party is being led by sex-crazed, hate-mongering, power crazy leaders... then that is what the country will follow & democracy will be dead as the nation will be run by greater nepotism & cronyism.

i worry for our future.... 

Friend: The same think i felt.. i worry about our future aswell. Anuwar ni is just a puppet actually. Karpal singh have all the evidence of his previous cases. Nnt Anwar jd PM skejap ja. N then depa akn kluarkn bukti2 tu n jthkn dia. And then depa bole jalankn tugas sebenar apa yg DAPig nau slama no that is to change this country to a non muslim country. Its too obvious, its just obvious already. PAS pun 1, dh bnyk sgt dh depa ni terpesong, why depa dok kafirkn org islam whereas being allies with org kafir yg terang2 x stuju ngn depa? Why?? Ya Allah... i just dont understnd why ppl cant see their modus operandi. Dah teruk sgt dh dorng ni. Dorng buat bersih apa smua.... saja jaa, dorng tau dorng ni akn kalah. So nnt bila dorng kalah, they can accuse ni smua tipu, x bersih as they said bfore. Sakainyaa otak depa ni. Anwar ni btoi2 syaitan n dajjal. Pak Lah buat salah besaq bwk kluaq dia.

Me: we are fighting to defend our rights.... & DAP is fighting "against" our rights!!! tu pun ramai org tak nampak.... we gave freedom/rights to practice any religion.. .speak & maintain their own language.... preserve their own cultures... & tak penah pun kacau cara hidup dulu, skrg & juga masa depan bangsa2 lain. 

tapi skrg because kita bumiputra.... depa dengki sgt kenapa? bukannya negara ni dibangunkan dgn dasar apartheid? ada kita pantau bangsa2 lain utk menyara hidup mereka? everyone is free to choose their way of life & make a living. Just because kita nak membangunkan mertabat bumiputra... diorg cakap kita rasis? sapa yg rasis sbenarnya? kalau kita betul rasis.... kenapa semua bangsa lain hidup senang lenang jugak? kenapa perniagaan & ekonomi pun semua warga malaysia boleh kecapi bersama? ada tak org2 kaya kat malaysia ni hanya bumiputra saja?

what the fuck do they want? semua negara asia... bangsa2 lain bole ke beragama lain atau dpt ke pakai nama ikut bangsa asal? di china freedom of religion ingat senang ke? anak pun satu utk satu keluarga.... di indonesia.... semua kena ada nama org indo.... sambutan keagamaan atau culture lain2 pun tak disambutkan... di thailand? korea? jepun? ada? 

di malaysia lah satu2nya kita berbilang kaum & bangsa... & stayed true to the concept of "truly asia"

what the fuck do they want? money? dah ada.. power? dah ada? what they want is for bumiputra & islam terlingkup tersadai berpecah belah & hancur....

this is their intent!!!!! fuck new world order!!!

These ppl are just getting fucked up n more fucked up by days. I hate seeing my friends especially the Malays!!! Depa x sedaq ka? If hak bumiputera xda, kita jgk susah! Dia bole pulak kata nk equality, kesian kt bangsa lain, kepala hotak dia! Dia x perasan ka depa ni dh ckp kaya. Sampai ada bangsa kita jd driver utk bangsa lain ats Tanah Melayu kita ni! Sampai tahap tu my Malay friend ni nl bela bangsa lain!!!!!??? N the best thing is i realise, depa ni jeniis yg ddk oversea previously, pstu blk sini complain mcm2. Bullshit! Total bullshit! Tgk kit siang ckp apa msa 15 Mei, selamaa halau Melayu. Ada jgk Melayu yg bela dia! Kita pnya pemimpin Melayu brkuasa pnh ke kurang ajar kt bangsa lain mcm tu!??
Me: well bro... org akan sedar bila dah terhantuk... & in this case... we prefer "prevention is better than cure"

so... the only way is for all of them that are in denial or yg terlampau taksub dgn perosak rakyat... is to terhantuk, tergolek, tertonggeng,
 terhempap dulu. That's the NLY way & no other way day. Even with facts pn diorg tak boleh terima dah.... *sighhhhhhh*

get ready to join the fall... if we fall.... in shaa Allah... we will rise again after our greatest fall.... (if we fall... that is)

keep the faith... keep up the fight... & have a good weekend bro!

U too bro, but i prefer not too fall.. haha. I will fight n cntnue fghting thats for sure

I hope our nations cn think rationally about this. Rather than prcaya kaki tipu tuu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BN Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya...
PR boleh jalan, PAS jangan nak perasan ok kalu PR menang pun takde maknenya, ko jadi Boneka aje, sibuk sangat nak berganding ngan DAP & PKR tu buat ape, kita Tolak Pemimpin Biseksual, Anwar ubah moral ko dulu ok...
Nyanyuk kot nak tadbir negara