Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua!


Sekolah Vernakular (SJKC dan SJKT) adalah punca utama ketidakserasian dan ketegangan kaum di negara kita tercinta.

Fenomena ini adalah unik di dunia ini dan telah menjadi suatu barah yang kian menular dalam kancah kerapuhan masyarakat Malaysia. Jika gejala Sekolah Vernakular ini tidak dibendung, negara kita akan terus bergerak ke ambang kehancuran.

Pengkajian semula sistem pelajaran negara ini haruslah dilakukan memandangkan fenomena perpecahan kaum yang semakin meruncing di masa kini. Gejala ini amatlah jelas sekali di alam siber dimana segelintir masyarakat kini mempamirkan sikap anti-negara yang semakin ketara dan berleluasa. Jelas sekali, anasir-anasir ini tidak menghormati asas dan prinsip perlembagaan negara Malaysia, tiada rasa cinta kepada tanah air dan juga menonjolkan penulisan hasutan yang mencetuskan sentimen perkauman yang begitu ketara sekali. Secara lantangnya, anasir subversif ini mempertikaikan segala unsur yang melambangkan kedaulatan dan intipati negara kita tercinta.

Kami menyeru agar gejala Sekolah Vernakular ini di hapuskan secara total.

Komuniti Demi Negara !!!


Pupils must be free to pick up third language

Today at 8:31pm
Pupils must be free to pick up third language - Prof Khoo Kay Kim's respond to The Star's article.

SINCE your paper has given me some attention in the last few days, I hope you can spare some space for me to correct and to clarify.

Malaysia is a plural society, more complex than many other plural societies in the world and we have branded ourselves as “truly Asia”.

Ever since the initial attempts made to turn the country into a nation-state way back in the late 40s, it was thought urgent that the country ought to have a single system of education to integrate the people.

The importance of integration via education was also stated in the Razak Report of 1956.

Singapore does not have vernacular schools.

But while the medium of instruction in all its schools is English, every pupil must also study his/her own ethnic language.

In Malaysia’s case, since the time the British planned the establishment of a nation-state, it was recommended that, given the country’s unique society, the young generation should be made to acquire three languages: a national language, an international language and the pupil’s own ethnic language.

When interviewed, I had voiced my support for what was recommended more than 50 years ago, and I specifically said that “Singapore’s model should be adopted” but allowing more flexibility.

The pupils should be free to pick a third language.

But the state cannot be expected to make so many languages available in school, which would have to be the case in Malaysia if the third language must be the mother tongue.

In the case of Malaysia, primarily from a pragmatic point of view, three languages stand out: a language from East Asia – Chinese; a language from South Asia – Tamil; and a language from West Asia – Arabic, which is also the language of Islam.

How could I have said that the non-Malays in Malaysia must forget their ethnic languages when their languages are among the most important in the world and English is the leading international language?

Our leaders in the past did not successfully solve the language problem in this country.

As such, it has become from time to time a bone of contention. This cannot go on if the country is to progress and maintain stability.

There is somehow a misapprehension that I am quite ignorant of the Chinese perception of things cultural and historical.

Far from it, I am more knowledgeable than the average Chinese here because I have studied them.

Too many Malaysians, I am afraid, are prone to draw conclusions based on vague impressions. They (this includes the highly educated) are inclined to be ruled by emotion rather than the intellect.

Some of the problems being debated by our politicians date back to the days when ethnic representation to official bodies was introduced for the first time after World War I. They have been left unsolved till now.

Kuala Lumpur.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Malaysia's education system polarises?

I suggest we have one school system but make the language studies compulsary for the relevant races & open to the malays as well as part of they syllabus. If indians & chinese can learn malay language...why can the malays? right? I am no racist nor am i an ultra malay... but if we teach our children at the early age to be within your own race... then there goes the concept oh muhibbah!

if u notice, most of the time in tertiary education is where all the race are more closer with each other. U will see more harmony in colleges & universities but u wont see this kinda unity in primary/secondary schools. Why do we teach our 5-6 year old to the polarization of race? Our Education system should be responsible for this & only by tackling this issue from the root up... is how the future of Malaysians to be united will be met! Im not sure if this is part of the "social contract" btw

cultures are never taught in school..period! It is based on traditions... generations.... open up your mind la dr. aramugam!!! dont feed us with your own idealism. I'm a big fan of Prof. Khoo Kay Kim's works & books. Your wisdom should be used more to shed some lights to all malaysian!!!! god bless u!

bangsa malaysia?

Tell me, when did this bangsa malaysia started anyway? How can u sat we forgot we are bangsa malaysia 1st & then our inherit race as second?

no matter what we say, we can't contradict the laws of nature. It is god's way & creation of this world. Why people in the west has white skin, blonde hair & blue eyes? Why does their tongue speaks words we don't understand? Why doesn't malays understand cantonese or tamil? It is all up to us to help, work, love & live with each other in harmony. It is not just a task for a country but ourselves. It should be mutual. We never had any strong sense of racial divide until Anwar Ibrahim came into the picture.

Ironically there is some truth in what saudara Abdullah Harahan mentioned about Malaysia's continuing the left-overs of the UK system. Not to say it is bad but the Divide & Conquer element has to stop!!! Racial Polarization has to stop from the root which is EDUCATION!!!

if we want BANGSA MALAYSIA...then it should be SATU BAHASA SATU BANGSA! no point of calling for fairness for all race but the malays are at the losing end. BM is for all & English is for the whole world but when it comes to tamil & chinese language... the malays will be at lost. But other races says that malays has too many privileges & u want the malays to sacrifice that for the sake of fairness but the tamils & chinese cant even sacrifice their language?

if u notice, most of the time in tertiary education is where all the race are more closer with each other. U will see more harmony in colleges & universities but u wont see this kinda unity in primary/secondary schools. Why do we teach our 5-6 year old to the polarization of race? Our Education system should be responsible for this & only by tackling this issue from the root up... is how the future of Malaysians to be united will be met! Im not sure if this is part of the "social contract" btw

Friday, January 16, 2009

so... here... witness the sins of men....

so... here... witness the sins of men.... & what sickens me the most is that... religion pays the price!!! Whatever it is... just remember... there are no bad religion... only bad people. All the world should live & learn about is to be sensitive when it comes to religion. To some religion is law, to others... its a way of life... to few... its just a reason to believe in that contradicts the world of science.... & there are also those that doesn't care less about religion.

propaganda or not... dont forget...that politics are WAR without Blood & WAR is politics with blood. Its all about human Greed, Lust, Anger... & many more that has all the 7 deadly elements of Sins! There's bound to have sides & opposing sides... REGARDLESS....but when it comes with the blood of the innocent being spilt... by unfair advantage & inhumane methods... YOU should be responsible for the action!

How could someone even thought of defending the Israeli Regime over the atrocities towards the palestinian refugees? Whoever said that by defending the Palestinians means we support Hamas or Fatah or whatever terrorist there is. Dont' forget... when it comes to terrorism.. why do "people" mentioned "Muslim Terrorist"? Why do they use religious connotations? Don't y'all think we don't have feelings? Do y'all think we're OK with that term? Do you see people use Hindu Terrorist for Tamil Tigers? The mujahideens.. during the cold war are called FREEDOM FIGHTERS coz they share the common foes with the US.... but NOW....they're fighting against what they perceive to be a regime installed by foreign powers, their attacks are labelled "terrorism" & branded as TERRORIST by the US becoz they do not share the common foes!!!

Frikkin HYPOCRITES!!! Dont be slave to the media.... The US controls the WMD.. which is media.... which is more powerful then any nuclear warheads put together.

I'm ashamed & appalled by those stating that this Terrorist Act against Palestine as 'propaganda'. How do you expect this people to fight back with? They have stolen their lands... their lives... their FRIKKIN FUTURE!!! How do you feel if you became refugees of your own beloved country? How do you feel if your RACE facing "Ethnic Cleansing"? How do you part with one of the HOLIEST site of the world which you called home before? How do you feel if generations upon generations dies in front of you? How do you fight back when u dont have the resources, the backing, the money, the weapons? But just the WILL to fight?

I dare say... if China... which is the motherland to all the Chinese of the world gets the same 'treatment'.... from the US or its' allies..... then you would know how we Muslim felt.

I disagree in this statement........
"it does seem unfair, that when say, Muslims (innocent and the extremist) gets attacked, Muslims goes ballistic and play the blame game. But when Muslims (extremist) kills innocents (anyone and everyone) NO ONE says anything. or do something as dramatic as the current conflict in Gaza".

So... lets say...when these "muslim extremist" bombs innocent lives in Bali... you can retaliate by bombing Palestinians? What frikkin blame game u're talkin about here? It doesnt make any frikkin sense!!! Don't LABEL muslims for Gods' Sakes!!!

I dont support & I even hate those who kills in the name of GOD or those suicide bombers that cried "Jihad" & thinks of a swift way to throw their lives away & expect the heavens to embrace them as martyrs!!! Those are fanatics!!! Like i say.. there aint no bad religion but bad people!!! I've a friend that says... The middle east ppl lacks education... & I believe that is so! They end up misinterpreting the Qur'an!!!

Before we go any further.... study the concept of "CAUSE & EFFECT"... u see all these killings from these so-called "muslim-extremist".... dont u ever think the reason why? Have u ever wondered? do u think they kill out of fun or hobby or out of hatred? There are the KKK & neo nazis that believes in white supremacy & believes of the ARyan Race & "only the strong shall rule" that KILLS out of hatred. There are cults & even psychos out there... which comes mostlyt from the "GODLESS" country of the world.... which is the US of fuckin A! Check their crime rate..... heck.. it can even compete to those of the 3rd World laaaaaa!!!!

Those fanatics... are mostly killing others in the name of freedom against oppressors, aggressors, avenging the deaths of their loved ones... which is still ... NOT an EXCUSE to take another's lives... especially not by crashing planes into buildings or bomb innocent party-goers at clubs! But hey.... If we stop these OPPRESSORS... do u think they will continue???

The key to overcome this is to find the "CAUSE" & not just fight the "EFFECT" coz.. it will be just like mushrooms! Cut of the head... & the body, arms, legs & tail will wither & fall! The harder you come & hit those palestinians & blame MUSLIM Terrorist... the HARDER they will hit Back!!! Mark my words!!! ISRAEL HAS TO GO DOWN!!!!

To those who's gonna judge me now... I am not an anti-jew... nor judaism... I do not stereotype RACE nor RELIGION...I am only anti-ISRAEL & US administration of power!!! These 2 Tyrant Fuckers have to pay the price & absorb the HATE of the Muslim World!!!

ALLAHUAKBAR!!!! (takbirrrrrr!!!!)


HURRY UP!!! BEFORE THE TIME PASS, A vote in CNN asking "Do you think Israel had a right to attack Gaza?" we are now losing on 51.1% to 48.9% please vote...and forward the following site to maximum number or your friends & relatives:

Refer to the stats… most of the world votes for Palestine but only the Americans & Israel themselves vote for Israel. It’s one sided as they even get Israelis to vote. Whatabout the Palestinians? Ohhh ya… I forgot… their access to the internet or even a computer are all bombed & destroyed… not by virus but by ROCKETS!!!