Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Berani Kerana Benar & Takut Kerana Salah". Lu takut apa DSAI????

DSAI ni kan 'fighter'...awat lak nak sembunyi? Kuat drama la lu DSAI. Honestly, kes tuduh liwat ni saya tak pedulik sgt tapi yg tak paham tu nak main sorok2 lak?

To me he is still innocent until proven guilty. Let's try to educate ourself that & not api-apikan kes liwat. Tu semua taktik kotor opposition.

Ni tiba2 Death-Threat ni mendenye??? Ni mcm autar je. Siannnn kat Wan Azizah dia...hehehe.... maruah laik & diri dia & family kena jaga... maruah parti lagi.... kena lah pikir idea2 utk "Divert Attention"... hehehe... rasakan sapa makan cili dia rasa pedas laaaa

another piece of advise... "Berani Kerana Benar & Takut Kerana Salah". Lu takut apa DSAI????

Kepada saudara-saudari semua, kita sjangan terlibat dengan tuduhan tersebut kerana jika sebenarnya Anwar Ibrahim tidak melakukan perbuatan seperti tuduhan tersebut maka kita pula yang akan menanggung dosa.

Tetapi kalau nak tahu siapa sebenarnya anwar ibrahim serta hubungannya dengan beberapa buah gerakan antarabangsa yang mencurigakan, bolehlah melihat sebuah kajian dari sahabat kita di(http://anwaribrahimdotcom.blogspot.com/).

sama2lah kita jgn terpengaruh oleh kes2 ni.. ada teori yg menyatakan DSAI yg mereka sendiri cerita utk populariti..

wallahwaqlam.. cuma harap kita pun jgn terikut2 cara PR fitnah DSAI mcm PR fitnah najib...


Anwar Ibrahim - the MalaysianDrama Queen!

Anonymous 1:
June 30 at 11:10am
I just received a story from my friend in Prime Minister's Office that the report by DSAI's PA was apparently instructed by DSAI himself! I know its hard to believe but according to him, DSAI purposely did that to divert the attention on Pakatan Rakyat's internal problem that has been widely circulated in news these days.

The reason why the police are into this are just a matter of procedures. Every report has to be investigated.

For some reason, he knows that he WONT be able to become PM this September when he himself is caught in his internal political turmoil. This prompted him to resort to this measure. He will do whatever it takes to, kononnya, let the people know how desperate the government is to get rid of him. Sampai mcm tu sekali...

My opinion : I'm not surprise if DSAI willing to go that level. By having the PA to lodge a report for being sodomised, he wanted the people to know, kononnya, how desperate the government is and also he wants to win the people's heart.

June 30 at 11:29am
ermm.. quite a revelation.
June 30 at 2:42pm
DSAI is cunning.... & slimy & i am not surprised at all if he actually stoop so low as that. What a genius.

So the so-called "special assistant" sanggup jatuhkan maruah sendiri for this.... gosh... its like this DSAI has his own "Immortal Guards" that would jump at the bullet.

Wonder whats the reaction of his "fan group" here in FB. How's our mole doin'? hehehe

June 30 at 5:17pm
Kalau betul Anwar buat pun... UMNO yang akan dituduh buat konspirasi. Kalau dia yang arahkan budak ini & polis sahkan budak ini buat tuduhan palsu pun UMNO juga yang akan dipandang jahat oleh rakyat...

Lumpur tetap terpalit ke muka anwar....

June 30 at 8:05pm
tak mustahil apa yg berlaku skrg dirancang oleh DSAI sendiri..

jadi jgn terkejut kwn2 sekalian jika tiba2 si saiful tu tarik balik laporan polis @ apa2 & kata dia disuruh oleh org2 BN..

tunggu dah lihat..

p/s: ada org dah terdesak nak jadi PM?

June 30 at 10:19pm